Following “The Goblin Song” in the 2023 Christmas special, the first year of the Gatwa era gave us sound and music-related references and influences like no other season in the history of the series. We’ll apply our knowledge of music theory as well as the genre of musicals to help break down and discuss not only “The Devil’s Chord,” but the entire season as well, including a look at this season in the context of one of our most popular topics from years past: the role that characters with musical aptitude play in the narrative.
Brandon Moore is a composer known for Universal's Aliens Ate My Homework (2018) (featuring the voice talent of William Shatner), Aliens Stole My Body (2020), Ray Bradbury’s Chrysalis (2008) and the 2023 Dungeons & Dragons webseries “The Party.” Brandon has been a musician since... Read More →
I am a jazz pianist, composer, arranger, musical director, a bridge teacher (really!), and I do a little YouTube series called The Dudley Simpson IS Doctor Who Project. This is my third Gally!