Friday February 14, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm PST
2025 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the longest film release in the history of the world, the much-beloved and endlessly-parodied piece of brilliance that is The Rocky Horror Picture Show. We’ll discuss the broad and enduring appeal of the cult classic film, how it has brought fans from all walks of life together to endlessly mock it from the audience, and how it has ultimately shaped pop culture for half a century.

Moderator: Ross Ruediger
avatar for Tony Lee

Tony Lee

avatar for Derek McCaw

Derek McCaw

Editor-in-Chief, Fanboy Planet
I run Fanboy Planet, a website, podcast/vidcast covering comics, movies, and TV. I occasionally write comics and co-wrote "I Was Flesh Gordon," available now. I also write and perform horror short stories as well as do improv and voice over work.
avatar for Ross Ruediger

Ross Ruediger

Producer/Manager, Unassuming Pictures
Producer and co-director and writer of the documentary "inDoctornated." Covered "Doctor Who" in-depth since its return to TV screens in 2005 for New York Magazine and numerous other outlets. Fan since '84 via KETC in St. Louis.
Friday February 14, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Program C (Pacific Coast 2/3)

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